I'm so focused on my weight......or, overweight...... at this time. But, maybe I really need to weigh the other things in my life!
I don't know that I really can give a specific weight to things, but I can at least give it a High, Medium, Low, don't ya think????!!!!!!????
Child #1 hitting the teen years: OMG!!!!!
Child #2 leaving the single digits: Time to Pass Out!!!!!
Being a Recorded CD Artist: HIGH
Living Through a difficult job: LOW
Dealing with my children's change in their personal time: LOW
The private school my children have gone to that I worked in and have supported over the years going in a very different direction which doesn't match our needs: LOW
Getting my dream job: HIGH
My Finances: MEDIUM (so much better than the lower than low that has been in that area for YEARS!!!!!!)
Potential Finances: HIGH!!!!!
Less than 9 months from turning 40:
- PHYSICALLY: I'm falling apart! It seems as though something new makes a creaking sound each day :)
- MENTALLY: I can't even wait!!!!! I've heard so many great things about turning 40! I just know that it has to be better than what I've been dealing with in my 30s.
New Job: HIGH
- Wow! There are so many potentials for me! In terms of my education, personal growth, professional growth, and potential!
Thanks for making my hapiness factor feel so heavy! My job can be easy-going or LIGHT-WEIGHT, but can also have busy times which are HEAVY on the calendar. But, I must tell you that both scenarios make me feel strong.
Well, isn't that the ultimate question? Which weighs more....... a pound of feathers or a pound of bricks? I feel like I've got an equal load :)........go figure!!!!