Hypothetically speaking.......
If a 10 year old girl already has an attitude, rolls her eyes at most anything that's said, snaps at her brother to shut up when she thinks the parent is out of sight, and is starting to perfect the "stomp out of the room" move, is there any chance it won't get worse and will end by age 11???
I'm jus' sayin'........
Shame is never OK -- especially when dealing with Mental llness
Well, I haven't blogged in a long time, but after three losses in three
weeks I wanted to share some strong feelings I have about shame and mental
11 years ago
1 comment:
I would like to tell you this will improve, but it will not. In fact, it gets worse and escalates in senior year of high school until you can't wait for her to go to college! At age nine, my daughter was such a witch at times, that my husband asked me if she was old enough to get her period. Sooooooo. Take heart, like most stages it will pass, although this one may take several years. C
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