Screaming Banshee

Screaming Banshee
Make Sure You Laugh When There Are Days Like This!!!

Monday, December 31, 2007

Dear 2007......goodbye....

Dear 2007 -

Thank you for the challenges you brought. There have been health issues, dissatisfying love-life, friends lost, terrible job situation, and disappointment in the choices the ex made for the kids.

I must admit, I did not rise to the challenges at first. I fell to the floor and allowed the pain to be heaped upon me. Did you lift me up, 2007? No, you did not! You continued to beat the living hell out of me until I had no choice but to get up or turn into the puddle of loss you were aiming for.

While it wasn't until the end of the year that I was able to begin turning things around, I am looking forward to the direction that I've been heading. So, here is what I was able to do in 2007:
- Get a new job at a prestigious, world-renowned University
- Re-finance for a great deal which allowed me to pay off all credit cards, and get cash back for home repair and vacation
- Had electricians come in and put ceiling fans in all of the rooms, fix electrical issues, got chimney fixed
- Booked vacation to Atlantis, Paradise Island for me and the kids in March, 2008....paid for in full due to re-finance
- Provided a great holiday season for my children, focused on their needs/wants and filled with love and fun!!!!!

I look forward to reflecting on what I have learned and will learn in 2008!

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