Screaming Banshee

Screaming Banshee
Make Sure You Laugh When There Are Days Like This!!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Not exactly swimming with the dolphins....

We arrived in Orlando on Sunday after visiting a most exciting place to eat. It's an old Sugar Mill at DeLeon Springs State Park The tables have a griddle in the middle and you can make your own pancakes...and eggs. They bring out 2 different kinds of batter, stone ground and all purpose flour. You order toppings as desired. We ordered bananas, blueberries, and chocolate chips. It was a fun thing to do with the family!!!!

Drew has spent the week at tennis camp at Heathrow Country Club where my Dad is a member. He's been the man to beat this week and I'm sure that's been great for his ego! He's sooooooo tan, and looks really great as he builds his muscle and "hot guy" status.

Ginny and I have been hanging out by the pool, swimming, reading, relaxing. I did get a manicure/pedicure.......ya like?????

What? What is that you say? It looks like a lizard on my hand? Well, yes....yes, it is. There are many, many lizards around my parents house. The baby ones are very cute and much fun to swim with. We named this one Maddie. We've caught her a couple of days in a row to take swimming with us. She seems to be responding to her name now.

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