Screaming Banshee

Screaming Banshee
Make Sure You Laugh When There Are Days Like This!!!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Who's Picking Henry Up?!!!???

Henry is my soon-to-be 12-year-old nephew. He is the son of my sister, Alice and her husband, Tim. He is a smart, loving young boy with Autism. His gift is that he is an Entertainer Savant. Give him a script, staging, lighting, costumes and he's good to go. Give him the annoying logistics of life, and he really doesn't care...just needs the bottom line.
Alice was preparing Henry for her trip to Maryland and some of what would happen with his schedule while she was gone. She told him that she would not be home to pick him up on Monday, but his Dad would be in class, so Mimi would pick him up, and she would come later and he could decide if he wanted to sleep at Mimi & GrandDad's or have her drive him home after she arrived....blah, blah, blah is what Henry must have heard because all he cared about for Monday was "WHO'S PICKING HENRY UP?" This was, apparently, said with a frustrated tone and hand gestures.......

This has become my motto when frustrated with the logistics of life......"WHO'S PICKING HENRY UP?" Sometimes, I allow the daily logistics to bog me down. What's happening here, there, everywere....upside-down, boy ya turn me, inside-out, and, round-n-round. When all I really want to know is........


1 comment:

aliceb said...

amen to that!
Who's picking Henry up?
Poor guy. This move has got him all emotional. He's carrying around his baby book photo album and looking at pictures of himself as a toddler & baby to comfort him.