Screaming Banshee

Screaming Banshee
Make Sure You Laugh When There Are Days Like This!!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Shape Up!!!

When my sister and brother were staying here, we stumbled upon an area in which I have a defecit. Now, there aren't many, so this came as shock to us all.

Apparently, I am not spatially in tuned with items. So, this may not explain why I trip over things or bump into walls since those usually occur after a wild & crazy night with friends. But, we discovered this was an issue after attempting to put leftovers into storage containers. I've got a cabinet full of containers and lids that NEVER seem to match. It is the most frustrating thing, and I dread leftovers because of it.

So as I was in MY kitchen, attempting to CLEAN UP by pulling out lid after lid to fit on top of the stinkin' container, my sister was staring at me, smirking.........yes, I believe she was laughing at me. I believe her words were "you're trying to fit square lids onto a round container"

Well!!!! Good thing they don't make me match shapes at Johns Hopkins University's Center for Technology in Education! I fully intend to blame this inability on my parents for not providing proper educational toys for me as a child. I was the middle child, after all! ;)

Monday, January 28, 2008

Baby Got Big Feet!

Upon returning home after running around at work all day, then grocery shopping, my feet were fatigued. I had heels on, but needed to go back into the cold weather to retrieve the groceries from the car. By the front door were a pair of my son's sneakers which would fit the bill.....or so I thought.

I slipped my feet into them knowing that I'd only need them for a trip or two outside. They were too big!!!!! MY ALMOST 14 YEAR OLD SON'S SHOES WERE TOO BIG!!!! And, that was the pair he told me was getting a bit tight.

What the Heck????!!!!????

Well, you know what they say about a guy with big feet......................big shoes..........

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Le Weekend de Smetheram

Last weekend was an incredibly fun, exciting, and proud weekend for le famille Smetheram.
My sister flew up from Florida on Thursday evening, stayed with me & my kids, my brother came on Friday and the kids went to their Dad's. That left me, Alice, & Charles staying at my house Friday through Monday. Ginny's room was made up for Alice and Drew's room was made up for Charles.
Can I tell you how much fun we had? WOW!!!!

Here were some of the agenda items:
Eating Out
- Pazo - (succulent tapas and hugs for the waiter)
- Ledo Pizza - (tribute to my Robby)
- Cafe Bonaparte in Georgetown - (DC Restaurant Week)
- National Treasure 2 (for historical value)
- H & M (for a Swedish memory)
- Mount Vernon - Tour of the Mansion and basements which are rarely opened (because it was in the historical movie we choose to view)
Priceless Moments
-Making fun of our parents
-Making fun of each other as kids
-Making fun of each other as adults

What made it such a proud weekend was that we were so excited about it! I know our parents were excited that the three of us were together. As a parent, I can't even imagine how proud I would be if one of my children went and stayed at the home of my other child. Proud of both of them for being adults together.
As children, who would ever have thought they would voluntarily spend time with their siblings in their own, a grown-up house, like...yanno? Crazy, just crazy, I tell ya!

How great is it to have such an amazing, fun, proud, and exciting memory this early into 2008! And, this is just the beginning!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Hey, Big Spender!

The minute I walked in the joint....
I received a JCPenney's bill on my card under my previously married name. I haven't used that card in over 2 years. It was paid off and I really should have closed it, but I put it in my desk planning to shred it later which I failed to do.
The bill contained a dozen transactions at 3 different locations between 11/30/2007 & 12/16/2007 totalling $1,755.24. Since I had not used the card in over 2 years, I knew they were not my charges. The other telling point was that there were toddler purchases as well as men's shirts & neckwear. "Considering I no longer have toddlers and have rid myself of the men in my life, that was another strong indication that the charges were not mine", I explained to the voice on the other end of the phone at the JCPenney service dept. The explanation produced laughter which was what I needed in order not to scream, cry, throw things, or fall on the floor and throw a tantrum.
Anyway, they will gather the signatures, send them to me, and I will send them a copy of my driver's license to prove it was not me. Shouldn't be too hard considering my driver's license is a different name. The account has been cancelled.
THE FUNNIEST PART is that they spent so much, that I was automatically upgraded to platinum level and received my new card today which was sent out before I got the bill and made the call.

Hence, I am a woman of distinction, a real big spender!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Sorry, but I must complain

Why does my ex feel that he needs to bring his fiancee into my house when he comes in to drop things off for the kids. Are they attached at the hip? Is he unable to walk without her there? Is she unable to walk without him?
I don't really want to see him, but must since we have children together. I don't really want him in my house, but must since we have children together. But do I really need both of them in my house?

Prayer: God, give me strength and patience to deal with people who act like an ass and don't even know they've got it tattooed on their foreheads.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

It's really hard to be ........

It's really hard to be a great, technologically advanced, amazing parent. No, really, is!

Due to my amazing ability to provide for my children technologically, networking my home computers for internet & printing purposes, networking my Tivos for sheer amazement, and being up on emerging technologies, I AM NO LONGER ABLE TO GET ON MY OWN COMPUTERS!!!!!!

I've provided so much for my children that they are now on the computers for homework, research, and mass amusement. This means that I can't get on my home computers. Time to make up a spreadsheet schedule for computer use in this house.............but, wait...........that will require that I have TIME ON MY OWN COMPUTER!!!!!!!!!!!

Love 'em both! Because as advanced as I may think I am, technologically speaking, they are light years ahead of me in brilliance.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Dear 2008

Dear 2008 –

Your predecessor sent many challenges my way. My hope for us is that we will work together and walk hand-in-hand through the year.

Here is something I would like to work on……
I believe in God, but I think that I have forgotten that He believes in me. Please help me to see in me what God does as I go through my daily life, good or bad.


New Year's Resolution, 2008

I am not great with keeping resolutions and find New Year’s Resolutions to be uninspired and forced due to the expectations of the media and commercialism.

Therefore, I will make only one resolution this year……

I resolve to turn 40 this year!

Try to stop that one!!!!