Screaming Banshee

Screaming Banshee
Make Sure You Laugh When There Are Days Like This!!!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

HERSTORY: Definition & Reason

Herstory is my past stories. I call it Herstory because I am a her, not because I'm an extreme feminist or anything. History is associated with research, textbooks, absent-minded professors (if they are men), and boredom. Now, granted, that is not the only thing associated with history, but for my purposes, I'm going with that definition because the word "his" is in it.
When you come across Herstory, it will be funny, exciting, full of hilarity, ridiculous situations, and hopefully, lessons learned.

We all want History to provide us with knowledge to have those "lessons learned", and I'm hopeful that my Herstory will do the same. So, sit back, relax, enjoy and learn when you see one of my Herstory posts.

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